BB Gymnastics
1) 5X2 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Press + 1 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk @ 65% (of 1RM Clean & Jerk) – rest 75 sec. 130
Notes: Each set of the above complex should be repeated for 2 reps. One set is the sequence (complex) listed above performed twice through.
Notes: Each set of the above complex should be repeated for 2 reps. One set is the sequence (complex) listed above performed twice through.
1) 12 Minutes to establish a 1RM High-Bar Back Squat.
Notes: Take no more than 4 attempts. Start at approximately 80-85% of your old 1RM, then work to 90-95%, then either match or beat your old PR.
Notes: Take no more than 4 attempts. Start at approximately 80-85% of your old 1RM, then work to 90-95%, then either match or beat your old PR.
225, 235F, 230F Never maxed HBBS before so didn't know what it was before.
2) 3 X ME Strict HSPU – rest 2 minutes.
Notes: Standard is hands on floor and head to floor. Hands must be inside elbow width.
Notes: Standard is hands on floor and head to floor. Hands must be inside elbow width.
25, 18, 16
3 rounds for time of:
100 Double-Unders
20 Pistols (10l/10r – apportion in any way)
10 Push Jerks 155/105#
20 Pistols (10l/10r – apportion in any way)
10 Push Jerks 155/105#
9:10. DU were slow. First set of 100 UB, then had to break, everything else UB and easy.
BB Gymnastics
1) Every 30 sec for 5 minutes complete 2 Snatches (full squat) @ 75%.
Notes: There will be a 10 Burpee penalty for every missed rep.
Notes: There will be a 10 Burpee penalty for every missed rep.
115 no misses. Might should have tried 120 but if I went off my true max I should have only done 108 so I am very happy with this.
2) Every 30 sec for 5 minutes complete 1 Clean & Jerk (full squat) @ 75%.
Notes: There will be a 20 Burpee penalty for every missed rep.
Notes: There will be a 20 Burpee penalty for every missed rep.
150 no misses.
1a) 3 X ME Bench Press @ 75% – rest 60 sec.
125lbs. Might should have gone a little lighter. 11, 8, 6?
1b) 3 X ME Strict C2B Pullups – rest 60 sec.
Notes: If you know you have more 10 reps, add a 20lb vest. If you know you have more than 20, add a 40lb vest.
10, 9, 8 no weight
25 Wall Balls 20/14lb
40 Absolutely Vertical KBS 32/24kg
40 GHD Situps
25 Wall Balls 20/14lb
40 Deadlifts 225/150lb
40 T2B
25 Wall Balls 20/14lb
40 Absolutely Vertical KBS 32/24kg
40 GHD Situps
25 Wall Balls 20/14lb
40 Deadlifts 225/150lb
40 T2B
25 Wall Balls 20/14lb
For time. 15:24 Was not feeling this. Did not have it in me.
Extra 120418
*The recommendation is to rest at least 2-4 hours after the day’s normal conditioning before performing this work. If you cannot rest this long, test your resting heart rate before beginning the normal conditioning work and rest long enough for it to return to within 5 BPMs of that number.
Group 1 Conditioning
3 rounds for total reps of:
45 sec. ME Hang Squat Snatch @ 115/75#
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME HR Pushups
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME Pullups
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME Burpee Box Jumps 24"
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME KBS 24/16kg
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME Hang Squat Snatch @ 115/75#
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME HR Pushups
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME Pullups
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME Burpee Box Jumps 24"
-rest 15 sec.
45 sec. ME KBS 24/16kg
-rest 15 sec.
239 reps. No warm up just ready to get it over with. Looked down after I finished because the KB was feeling heavy and found out I had been using a 44lb. yay. I have more in me, I'm just tired and need some rest. Huge test tomorrow and kinda stressing about it is not helping.
I had my Obstetrics HESI today and I passed. It is pass or fail. You have to make a 900 to pass and I made an 1130!! So excited!! I have 2 more (Pediatrics and Community Health) next week before I take off to West Palm Beach for REGIONALS!!! By the way, did you see the workouts? I am super pumped.
**Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
- Deuteronomy 31:6