Tuesday, April 10, 2012


1. I got no sleep last night. I am very frustrated about this.  I'm about to go insane so 1st priority when it comes to training right now is getting more SLEEP.
2. My CNS and body are still shot from Saturday.  I layed on a Lacrosse ball for like an hour tonight and almost vomited because I was in so much pain.  yikes. 
3. Clinicals all day today at the hospital that started with me waking at 6am. I went straight from the hospital at 2 to the gym to workout. Soooo tiring and it was a super boring day :( No one was having babies today. So with it being boring, the time passed so slow. 
4.  All in all makes for me a very tired person today and just in general lately.  Hence, feeling like complete CRAP today on my conditioning.

I say all these things to justify my crappy performance on workouts today.  Really I just need to HTFU!  But I am scared about my lack of sleep.  I have to get that dialed in like yesterday.

BB Gymnastics
1) Power Snatch: 5X1 @ 70% — rest 75 sec. 110
2) Power Clean + Push Jerk: 5X1 @ 70% – rest 75 sec.  140
3) Clean Pull: 3X2 @ 90% — rest 60 sec. 185
For total time:
21-15-9 of:
Squat Cleans 135/95#
Ring Dips
6:29 Not sure if it i a PR, I think it is. I felt like complete sh*t on it.  CNS and body still feeling the comp this weekend.  I know I can go way faster.  
*Rest 2 minutes.
12 Rope Climbs 15′
50 GHD Situps
Row 1K
14:07  This felt awful and I was so incredibly slow. ROPE climbs were at a snail's pace and that row after you have no core or legs left was like the slowest 1K I have ever rowed. GROSS.
TOTAL TIME on CONDITIONING: 22:36  I am pretty much embarrased with these numbers today.  I feel like total crap today.

Extra 120410:

*The recommendation is to rest at least 2-4 hours after the day’s normal conditioning before performing this work. If you cannot rest this long, test your resting heart rate before beginning the normal conditioning work and rest long enough for it to return to within 5 BPMs of that number.  I rested 1 hour because that is all I had time for today.
GROUP 1 Conditioning
15 minute AMRAP of:
Swim 75m
30 Air Squats
15 HR Pushups
5 rounds. Swims were so slow.  Air Squats and PU were great, fast and never broke.  Swims, on the other hand, were awful.  I felt like I couldn't breathe or catch my breath.  Drowning even crossed my mind haha.  This was weird because I have done quite a few swim workouts and today was by far the toughest.  I'm going to blame it on all of the above listed points and conditioning. :) It's been a long day and I pushed through when all my body and mind wanted me to do was to go home and go to sleep.  Also, I worked out by myself. It pushes me to somewhere new each time I workout by myself. It is so hard.  Day could have been a whole lot better but I still finished.  I am so glad this day is almost over. Now to study.  Test on Thursday. 

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