Saturday, July 14, 2012


Friday, 120713
Warm up:
1 mile run slow and easy.  Legs feel like bricks today.

BB Gymnastics
7X2 Split Jerk off Blocks – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.
Notes: You may use racks, but blocks are absolutely the suggestion. These do not have to be UB reps, and are designed to be dropped on the blocks after each rep.
No blocks. Up to 195 for 2.  Did 200 for singles twice but could not reset after I caught the bar.  Wish I had blocks because catching 200 more than once in the rack is unacceptable= might break my back and I feel like I could do more if I had blocks. Ours are broken. SIGH.

1a) 10X2 Banded Deadlifts @ 55% Bar Weight + 25% Band Tension – rest 60 sec.
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 50% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 25% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO
205 + blue band wrapped around 3 times. This felt good and better than it has in a while.  Maybe I'm getting better at deads. I need it!!  I have steadily gone up about 10 lbs each week and will continue to do so. :)

1b) 5X5 Seated DB Shoulder Press – heaviest possible (all sets), rest 2+ minutes
Notes: These should be performed between every other set of Deadlifts. These should be done sitting on a box or bench with no back. Feet should be in contact with the floor as the DBs are locked out overhead. Make sure to absolutely lock out every single rep. Do not allow feet to break contact with the floor and “float”.
95, 100, 100, 100, 100

4 rounds for total working time of:
Run 400m
20 Pullups

*Rest 1:1 between each round.
2:25, 2: 19, 2:10, 2:12 = 9:06 
UB on the PUs obviously. Felt light and easy so I tried to push it a little more on the run.  A friend of mine did this with me and she said that I have improved on my running a whole lot. yay! PROGRESS!  I'm really trying. I feel better while running too and I am able to push myself. I hope I am getting better.

Hiked out to Lake Nichol in north Tuscaloosa.  Swam across.  I think it's about 300-400m.  Then did some MUs on a tree where we hung some rings.  Tried to HS walk up the side of a hill.  Then I was tired and knew I had to work the next day so I decided to call it a day.  While hiking back out, (1 mile at least) had to jump about 5 ft off a rock onto some more rocks and completely twisted my left ankle outwards.  I was by myself because I left all my buddies back at the penninsula.  I even heard it pop.  Told myself I was ok and to get it together because I still had about 400m to go in the woods on the trail.  I made it out and got home.  Immediately started swelling.  Went to bed with a Lortab it was hurting so bad and just told myself I would be fine. 

Saturday, 120714
I woke up this morning and could barely bare any weight on it. It was 0350 and I decided to go to the gym anyways because I wanted to get the work in if I could or atleast do something active and because NO ONE ELSE IS RESTING SO WHY SHOULD I?!  I was literally cursing while trying to put on my socks and shoes and almost in tears. 

4:30am-No one in gym or coming to gym on Saturdays so I knew I needed to be careful.
Warm up:
Short on time and my ankle: 5 min Airdyne.

BB Gymnastics
1) 7X1 Hang Snatch (just below the knee) – heaviest possible with near perfect technique, rest as needed
Got up to 140 even with a bum left ankle and was bearing all my weight on my right leg.  Could not hit 145. I think I was scared a little because of my ankle so didn't go for it all the way. 

2) 7X1 Hang Clean (just below the knee) – heaviest possible with near perfect technique, rest as needed
Got up to 185 easy.  195 scared me when I pulled it off the ground so I stopped there.  I was at the gym by myself and I was just having mental images of something horrible happening when I pulled to get under 195 and my ankle would break or something terrible like that.  Called it at that and moved on. 

5X2 High Bar Back Squat @ 90% – rest 90 sec.
Notes: Percentage is based off 1RM HBBS or 90% of 1RM LBBS.
215. Very happy with this.  Might should have gone heavier but there was no way I was going to without a spot or at least somone there in case something happened.

3 Power Cleans 185/120#
50 Double-Unders
15 DB Thrusters 60/40#
6 Power Cleans 185/120#
50 Double-Unders
12 DB Thrusters 60/40#
9 Power Cleans 185/120#
50 Double-Unders
9 DB Thrusters 60/40#

For time.
Took it easy because of my ankle. Used 125# because I knew it would really feel the same as 120# and 45# plates were already on the bar and I didn't want to change it.  Ankle hurt on DUs but just tried to jump on my right ankle. I was being a little baby on the DB Thrusters.  Those jokers were hard and I broke them up all but the last set = stupid.  I need to HTFU. 9:00 ugh. I know. Horrible.

Really want to try some of the events from the games.  Medball/Parallete HSPU workout looks freaking awesome. I would have to do it with an 80# stone but I could try to make it about the same.  I think I can rock that one out.  I also need to try the track triplet. I love bar MU so I think this would be a good one for me as long as I could keep calm and try to push on the run.  Maybe I will get to try them soon.  Did some parallete HSPU to 12in deficit. Got 3 and had to go change for work. :)

Work 7a-7p at the hospital.

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