Sunday, July 1, 2012


Friday, 120629


BB Gymnastics
10X1 Split Jerk off Blocks – you may work up to a 1RM if technique is solid, rest 60 sec.
Notes: You may use racks, but blocks are absolutely the suggestion. These do not have to be UB reps, and are designed to be dropped on the blocks after each rep.
Worked up to 190.  Was not feeling great coming off of the Vegas trip.  I can tell I haven't lifted in a few days.
1a) 10X2 Banded Deadlifts @ 60% Bar Weight + 20% Band Tension – rest 60 sec.
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 60% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 20% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO
185 + blue band wrapped around 3 times.
1b) 5X2 Push Press– heaviest possible (all sets), rest 2+ minutes
135, 145, 150(1), 150F, 145
3 rounds for time of:
1 Deadlift @ 455/300# I suck at deads so I did 265#
2 Muscle-Ups
3 Cleans (full squat) @ 250/165#
Notes: The Deadlifts in this WOD are designed to be 90% of a 500# Deadlift. If your 1RM is below 455/300# scale the load to somewhere between 90-95% of your 1RM. If your 1RM is above 455/300#, do not scale. The Cleans in this WOD are designed to be 80% of a 315# Clean. If your 1RM is below 265/175# scale the load to somewhere between 90-95% of your 1RM. If your 1RM is above 265/175#, do not scale. HSPU are Regionals standard, and Kipping is allowed.
Took me 6:30.  I suck at everything right now and was not feeling it at all.  The cleans are what took so long. I didn't think they would.  This was a horrible performance and I am capable of so much more just did not have it that day.

10 min Airdyne.

OHS (135/95)
4:32. blah.  Sucked it up on this too.  OHS were UB.  Forearms blew up.  

Saturday, 120630  


BB Gymnastics
1) 7X1 Snatch off Blocks (just below the knee) – heaviest possible with near perfect technique, rest as needed 145
2) 7X1 Clean off Blocks (just below the knee) – heaviest possible with near perfect technique, rest as needed 180 
UGH I suck right now. Having a huge mental and physical battle internally right now. 
5X5 High Bar Back Squat @ 75% – rest 60 sec.
Notes: Percentage is based off 1RM HBBS or 90% of 1RM LBBS.
170, 190, 185 for the rest
21-15-9 of:
OH BB Walking Lunges 135/95#
C2B Pullups
Bar Facing Burpees
For time. I think 12 something.  It was horrible because I added a 10lb vest.  So much worse than I though it was going to be.
Notes: For BB Lunges 1 step = 1 rep.
Worked 7a-7p at the hospital.

Sunday, 120701
My best friend, Carla wanted to go workout so I decided to go with her and work on some things.
10 min Airdyne:
30 sec on, 30 sec off
OUCH! horrible and need more of this.

10 rounds:
10 chest to bar pullups, 1 min rest between rounds

3 rounds:
4 MU + max effort Ring Dips.

Life is hard right now.  I find myself almost on a daily basis in tears or close to tears in the gym. It is so unbelievable hard to get up at 4am to workout and then go work for 13 hours day after day.  I feel like I suck and have no one to talk to about it and feel so alone.  I know I will be ok and this is just for a season and it will be over after this internship is over but I'm just frustrated with my performance and little progress and I am exhausted all the time.  I slept for nearly 14 hours last night and I'm still tired.  It just sucks and I'm hanging on by a thread right now. I just keep telling myself that it will all be worth it in the end and that most people would not get up and be as dedicated as I am and that it will pay off. I guess I'm kind of depressed as well about not making it to the games.  I was so close. I can't let that happen again.  With the games coming up, it gets harder and harder.  I'm ok or I will be.  Just fuels the fire.  I know probably no one will read this but me and that's fine but I just wanted to write it down so I can look back later.   The olympic trials are good to watch though, especially gymnastics :).  LOVE IT and gives me at least some motivation.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me extremely sad to think that you have "no one to talk to" and that you "feel so alone". Especially since you typed those words while you sat next to me, your husband, in the living room. I'm here for you all the time. I love you. I hope you still enjoy my company...
