Sunday, June 3, 2012

Back from the beach.

Alright, so I am back from the beach and I am ready to catch all of you up. 

Wednesday, 120530
30 minute AMRAP
30 DU
200m run
10 burpee
10 OHS (35)
10 one arm KB snatch (35) - 5L, 5R
20 situps

6 rounds easy pace.  I got both my sisters out in the parking lot to do this with.  They did something more scaled down but it was still nice working out with someone and them especially. I was proud of them for finishing.


I went over to CrossFit Pensacola to see my friend, Lex, to do this workout.

BB Gymnastics
20 minutes to establish a 1RM 3 position Snatch (low to high). DEMO VIDEO
Worked up to 135. Felt good but was drained from the sun. 
30 Muscle-Ups for time.
4:58 I know I can go faster.  I only did 6 on my first set and I know I can complete at least 8-10+ on the first set.  Still pretty happy with this.  Would love to go sub 4 next time or sub 4:30 possibly. Lex's time was 10:30 something.  I thought he was beating me at one point so it made me go so much faster. :) loved having the friendly competition. 

Friday, 120601
12 minute EMOM
10 Wallball with 20#
5 rounds for reps of:
30 sec ME Power Clean @ 135#
30 sec rest/hold
Notes: 30 sec “rest” should be spent with the BB in the front rack position. There is a 20 Burpee penalty every time the BB is dropped. There is no requirement for UB reps or holding the BB on the Power Cleans.
8/6/5/5/5 I think these were my numbers.  This hurt so bad.  Holding the bar in the rack compressed the spine and made breathing even harder. Good stuff.
7 rounds of:
10 Thrusters @ 75#
10 HR Pushup
50 Doubles
Rest 1:1
Each round about 1:15-1:20 Hurt like hell. :) Rest was about 1:40 each time.

Saturday, 120602
Leaving the beach this morning. SAD. It went by way too fast. 
Woke up with my right shoulder really bothering me.  I was supposed to max out my snatch and couldn't because the pull from the ground was hurting it too bad.  So I moved on...I hope it's nothing serious although it is Sunday and I have rested completely since and it's still nagging me.  Feels muscular though. 

20 minute AMRAP
5 Push Jerk (115) from the ground
10 Pistols
5 Box jump onto the back of a jacked up pickup truck. (at least 35 in tall)
I have no clue how many rounds but at least 10-12 maybe even more.  It was so hot and humid outside and I was in the blazing sun.  Onlookers from our condo balcony kept starring at me.  haha and then I even had people stop towards the end to ask me what I was doing.  This hurt. My legs were so sore from the previous day that the BJs and pistols really slowed me down.

This is going to be a really big week ahead. I am starting my internship at the hospital.  I am very nervous about it because it is going to be such a big change from my normal schedule.  There will have to be a lot of 5am workouts and planning ahead on my part and even late night workouts after I have been on my feet for a good 13 hours. YIKES. I hope it goes well.  I am nervous about the nurse I will be put with.  I hope and pray she is an awesome nurse and that I have a summer full of learning and excitement.  I will be working in the Cardio-Surgical ICU(CSICU).  I think this will be great for me and it will give me a chance to get ahead for my last semester and going through Complex Client(ICU) in the fall. I really hope I am prepared for this.  I know I worry too much and all will be great but it's just in my nature to overthink and worry about things.  I worry about my training.  I know I can keep it up but I am going to lose a whole lot of sleep and have to keep my brain energized and going too.  I want to be the best nurse I possibly can be and I want to succeed so bad.  Makes me very nervous.  SO this week I work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will keep your path straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:6-7

The biggest thing happening this week will be my husband's spinal surgery.  He is having an L5-S1 discectomy on Thursday.  I pray that it goes according to plan and that God looks over him and gives him a speedy recovery.  I pray that I can be the best wife possible and be there for him and his every need.  I pray that I can be strong for him. 

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