I am at the beach!! yay! and loving every minute of it. I am soaking up the sun but definitely not slacking on the training. There is no crossfit gym in Orange Beach, AL so I decided to load up my barbell, hi-temp weights, a 20lb medicine ball, and a KB. I have been able to do almost everything as I wanted to. I have a pretty nice set up in the parking garage at our condo. haha.
Monday, 120528
5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts @ 155/105#
9 HPC @ 155/105#
6 Push Jerks @ 155/105#
9 HPC @ 155/105#
6 Push Jerks @ 155/105#
8:20. I sucked it up marjorly on this. Something about it being so much worse while on vacation. I felt like death and my time reflected it.

then 10 min EMOM:
1 snatch (105)
2 power snatch (105)
then 5 min EMOM:
3 full snatch (105)
This was fun and easily completed. I was so mad about DT that I had to do something else.
Completed about a 100m ocean swim x2 while on the beach. Waves were vicious today so it was good.
Tuesday, 120529
BB Gymnastics
7X1 Clean & Jerk @ 90% – rest 60-80 sec.
180. A little rough today. Hard to get underneath it, but hit them all. Got video but internet is so slow here so can't upload.
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 KBS 24/16kg
20 Pushups
21 KBS 24/16kg
20 Pushups
10:30 ish Run was an estimate. It was soooo HOT and no breeze!! ugh. Glad to be at the beach though.
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