Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Warm up 
10 min airdyne
BB Gymnastics
2) 7X2 Vertical Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
115 x 4 sets, 120 x 3 sets
*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX – follow the link, that’s why I put it there.
1) 5X2,2,2,1,1 Back Squats @ 100% – rest 2 minutes.
Notes: Percentage is based off of 120515.
Legs had nothing today so went down on the weight a bit. 225 for sets of 2, 235 for sets of 1.
2) 3X5 Front Squats @ 75% (3 second pause on the 1st & 5th rep) – rest 90 seconds.
Skipped because of the above statement. Legs are roasted still. Actually tried it and failed so just moved on. I did front squat 225 though.  Went for 235 but no drive out of the hole. I know I have more when somewhat fresh.
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):
30 Double-Unders
10 Pullups
3 Ground to Overhead
Notes: The goal is to finish the effort having completed each round within the time limit, and to have done it with the heaviest possible weight on the bar. Do not use a weight so heavy that you will not be able to finish a round, but also do not underestimate. You may take weight off, but you MAY NOT add weight at any time. Score is the weight used for the final round.
This was total garbage and absolutely awful. Wanted to start with 155 but at 7am, it wasn't happening. 135 felt so heavy.
Completed through 4 rounds, Round 5 through 2 C&J, Round 6 completed, Round 7 only through PU, Round 8 through 2 C&J, Round 9 through PU, Round 10 through 1 C&J. Completed 10 extra C&J immediately after 15 minutes to make up for the ones I didn't get to.  PU and DU seemed hard....UGH this is just not my week. Body still trying to recover. 
Cool pic from this weekend at Summer Crush.  Bred for GREATness! Thanks to Trunx for the awesome shirts. 

Today was my last first day of my nursing degree. WOOHOO! Class 8:30-5. Brain and body are both fried at this point. 

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