Thursday, August 30, 2012


4:00am Warm up
1 mile run
1) 10X1 Deadlifts @ 75-80% – rest 45 sec.
Notes: Do not go above 80%, but if 75% feels very light you may add up to 80%. Stick to the rest intervals and concentrate on being fast off the floor. We will be testing next week, so treat each lift as if it is a new 1RM.
265. 275 for 2 sets but felt like I was rounding my back too much so came back down.
2) Bench Press: 2X5 @ 75%, 2X3 @ 80%, 3X2 @ 85% – rest 60 sec.
Notes: These are not incline, they should be performed on a flat bench. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight that’s heavy, but stays fast throughout all sets.
135, 145, 155 Felt heavy today.  
1a) 3XME UB + 3 Muscle-Ups – rest 30 sec.
6, 6, 6 Need wooden rings like asap. Know I can do way more than that, Just not on our crappy rings.
1b) 3X3 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – much heavier than last week, rest 30 sec.
80, 85, 85 
1c) 3X20 UB KB Snatches (each arm) – heaviest possible (not lighter than last week), rest 30 sec.
53lbs not UB. Just did not have it today. Was not up for the challenge at all. Hands felt like they were going to rip at any second and rip off my arm actually.
1d) 3X10 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 30 sec.  Good Mornings at 135.  :)
Notes: Notice the length of the rest intervals. DO NOT deviate from them. Muscle-Ups should be performed as a max effort unbroken set, then perform 3 more reps as fast as possible after finishing the UB set. If you cannot string together more than 3 reps UB, then perform another UB set before performing the extra 3 reps. If you cannot string reps together perform 7 reps as fast as possible.
 Clincals at the hospital from 7a-3p.  Passed out around 9. I was so tired and needed rest!

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