Sunday, August 5, 2012


Thursday night was Cake night.  Dayna taught us how to make a two tiered cake, which is actually very hard work and takes hours. We had a blast. 

Our finished products...AWESOME!

Friday, 120803

Warm up
1 mile run

1a) 10X2 Banded Deadlifts @ 55% Bar Weight + 30% Band Tension – rest 60 sec.
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 55% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 30% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO
195 + blue bands.  Back felt horrible on this.  
1b) 5X5 Incline Bench Press (30-35˚) – heavier than last week, rest 2 plus minutes.
Notes: Incline BP should be performed in between every two sets of Banded DL. It is acceptable for DL rest to go over 60 sec.
95, 115 for the rest of the sets. Much tougher than regular bench.
4 rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-Ups
6 Box Jumps 36/30″
24 OHS 65/45#
10:50.  Should have been faster. 
I went to Birmingham that night with some great friends and had an awesome time.

Saturday, 120804
Warm up
1 mile run
BB Gymnastics
1) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
Back was feeling terrible. I snatched for over an hour and only got to 155.  I was focusing on landing in the hole.  I know the blocks has screwed me up or something has.  Need to get back to what I do best and that is pull with lots of power.  By the end of the snatching session, I was getting back to what I know how to do and finally hit 155.  160 was a bust. 
2) 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.
Did not even try this since I had already been lifting for more than an hour. Went up to 165 and moved on to next part.
EMOM for 7 minutes:
3 HBBS @ 85%
Notes: If you do not know your 1RM HBBS, then base off of 90% of your Low Bar BS.
Legs felt like jello already and warming up to my weight and knew I couldn't go as heavy as I needed to.  205.  So hard.  Legs started cramping afterwards.  Was dreading conditioning since it was squat cleans but was glad I did it.
For time:
5 Cleans (full squat) 225/150#
20 Ring Dips
50′ HS Walk
4 Cleans (full squat) 225/150#
15 Ring Dips
40′ HS Walk
3 Cleans (full squat) 225/150#
10 Ring Dips
30′ HS Walk
5:41 This felt great and was even able to touch and go reps at 150.  Might should have done them all touch and go but was probably being a little baby again.  HS walks and ring dips were easy and smooth. Squat cleans at 150 didn't feel too bad.  Loved this workout.

1a) 3X20 “Strict” GH Raise – rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video  - completed.
1b) 3XME Strict T2B – rest 60 sec. - 20, 16, 15

Got these and I'm super pumped to try them out and use them in metcons. :)

Love this video.  

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