So here are the workouts.
Friday - 120427
I was feeling great on this morning and was ready to go.
2:24 1st place. It felt amazing. Great way to start the weekend. I knew I just needed to stay calm and do what I do and it would work out great. HSPU were strict until 5 into the 15 round. I started to tire out at that point and so I knew it would be faster to kip.
14:59 8th place. I did it a week ago in 15:41. Row was slow which I knew it would be but I was able to make up a whole lot of time on pistols and hang cleans. Still not great but left me at 4th place for the day.
Saturday - 120428
I did not sleep well. I was not feeling great. I think deep down, I knew this day was going to be hard for me (mainly just wod 4). I felt strange but was excited to get the day going.
10:02 13th place. Not good. I practiced the 70lb DB snatch the week before and felt fine about this workout. I started and it got bad on my left arm. I was mad and angry that it was hard for me and other girls that were similar in size had no problem with it. But I finished all the DB snatches and ended up with a really awesome photo on the last DB snatch. :) I gave it hell.
So at this point, my back is completely trashed. I am seriously worried about the next workout because again, it is back intensive. I have about 5-6 hours before wod 4 so I decide to go back to the hotel to lay down. My husband tries to rub the knots and soreness out of my back and I end up in tears 3 different times in that 5 hours. I end up feeling better but I am dreading this next workout. I know it's going to be so bad and by bad meaning hard and horrible. I just try to tell myself one rep at a time and this is where I lost it. I was already defeated by this workout before I even started and this totally deviates from who I am and what I know about myself. Also, I didn't eat but 2 protein shakes and a banana between the workouts, which ends up being a total disaster. So my husband rubs my back down with Biofreeze because I literally can't bend over without being in extreme pain and sends me out to start the workout. I start and immediately hit a wall. I have no energy, nothing in the tank at all. This workout should have been great for me and it was a complete disaster. Soooooooo awful. I should have eaten and had confidence in myself. WOW I should have eaten some food. There was no glucose in my body to burn and I crashed hard. I think I got 25th on this workout and that was it. I knew I lost at that moment and probably cost myself a trip to California. As you can see by these pictures, I'm dying and I don't look like my normal self at all.
So, at this point I was pissed off and just ready to get to Sunday where I knew I could shine. That night, my group went to eat some mexican food. I had a margarita and just told myself to relax and have fun because this day was NOT fun for me at all. I ate rice and black beans and tortillas which I normally don't. I could tell that I was so carb deprived that my body was in desperate need of it. I think I ended the day in 9th with like 30 points off 3rd place. ugh.
Saturday - 120429
I slept so good on this night. I think it was the decent meal that I had and the margarita. So ready to get going for the day and SHINE!
150.11 3rd place. This was a 5lb snatch PR! woohoo. I was so happy and you will see it on my face in the picture. I knew I could hit it. I missed 155 barely and tied the girl in 2nd but she got a few more DUs than me to take 2nd.
This was such a great feeling and I was so excited! This put me in 7th place with 18 points off 3rd. I knew it was over but was so ready for those MU. I ate a ton in between the workouts. They had a ton of food for us to eat so I don't know why I didn't do this the day before.
5th place. I was in the second to last heat and I just feel like if I would have been in that last heat, I could have pushed more but I gave it my all at that moment. My first 7 MU were unbroken. :) Deads didn't feel too bad that day. The wall ball and t2b felt awful. This workout was definitely an outer body experience. Very hard.
So roller coaster of a weekend but I am so grateful for the experience and I learned so much that I will take with me for the future. I ended up in 6th place overall. One thing, my body is a train wreck after this weekend. My legs are more sore than they have ever been in history. They were so bad that Monday and Tuesday, you couldn't see my ankles I was so swollen. Gross. So I probably had a touch of Rhabdo. Oh well. Next year, I know I will be stronger and better than ever.
I want to take a special moment and thank my husband because he was so amazing. I could not have made it through without him. He was there for me every step of the way and keeping me motivated and uplifted. From rubbing my back a million times and rubbing me down with biofreeze to carrying my bags and cooler to holding my tape and straps and belt to whispering encouraging words to me all the time. I love him so much and it would not have been the same without him. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!! You are truly awesome. Here is a pic of us when our group went out to celebrate Sunday night.
I need to take a moment to thank JUSTIN KEY as well, who was literally hanging over the fence yelling for me the entire weekend. He stayed with me through every workout and I could hear him yelling the whole time. It was incredible. He is an amazing friend and I am so happy he is in my life. Thank you so much JUSTIN. Can't wait for next year!
I also want to thank my group from CrossFit Tuscaloosa that came all the way to West Palm to cheer Drew and me on. You guys were so supportive and I was so glad to have ya'll there. Carla, Cary, Brandon, Dayna, Brittany and Drew. I am looking forward to next year!
And last but not least thank you to everyone who called, texted or facebooked me. I read and looked at every single message and cannot thank ya'll enough. I truly appreciate every one of you! THANK YOU!!
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