Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Warmup: 3 rounds

Sit bar with 135lb on it on top of your knees in the bottom of a squat with back arched and chest up. This should help push knees forward in the bottom and stretch the ankles. Sit for 45 sec
Rest 15 sec
Bottom to bottom FS @95# x 10
Rest 15 sec
4-5 MU
Rest 15 sec

Olympic: CJ (all doubles are 2 cleans +1 jerk)
2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@90%, 1@90%, 1@90%, 1@85%, 1@80%, 2@75%, 2@70%, 2@60%, 2@50%
Percentages up through 90% complete 4 ring dips coming back down complete 5 abmat sit-ups

40 Burpees
50 Double-Unders
30 Burpees
50 Double-Unders
20 Burpees
50 Double-Unders
Row 1K

REST about 20 mins

Every other minute for 10 min: 15 cal airdyne + 8 burpee broad jumps for max distance

First night on night shift tonight. yikes. :( Trust God, Sarabeth, trust God!!



Snatch from floor:

3@50%, 3@60%, 2@70%, 2@75%, 1@80%, 1@85%, 1@90%, 1@90%, 1@90%, 1@85%, 1@80%, 2@75%, 2@70%, 3@60%, 3@50%

EMOM complete the sets + 20 DU ascending the ladder, 3 Burpee Pullups starting at 85% descending the ladder.


3 Rounds:

10 Hang Power Cleans (225.135)

15 HSPU (regional standard)

20 Wall Ball (30#/20#) both to 10 foot target

Rest 5 min

4x400 m run rest 1:1. Every effort is all-out


Olympic: Barbell Clean into a thruster
start at 60% of CJ adding 5lbs every 30 sec until failure

rest 3 min

ME Triple Unders in 3 min

rest 10 min

800 m run
20 DL (315/205)
50 FT HS Walk
30 KB Thrusters (53/35)
50 Box Over Jumps (24/20)
30 KB Thrusters
50 FT HS Walk
20 DL
800 m run


Warmup: 3 rounds
1 min triple under practice
rest 15 sec
25 feet duck walk with bar overhead
rest 15 sec
45 sec peanut thoracic spine smash
rest 15 sec
5x tall snatch

Snatch + Hang Snatch: start at 60%
Every 45 sec complete a snatch then hang snatch WITHOUT THE BAR TOUCHING THE GROUND
add 5 lbs, go until failure. one fail = done

A) Snatch High Pulls: 4x3 @ 100%
B) Squat Program

15 min running clock:
10 rounds of Cindy (20#/30# vest and HR Pushups)
100 Cal Airdyne (wearing vest) (Nat since your Airdyne doesn't work you get to do Hoggan's airdyne time + 1 min)
ME Burpees to a 6in target (wearing vest)


Warmup: 3 rounds

Bottom To Bottom FS @ 75# x 5
rest 15 sec
Overhead Lockout Mobility work x 45 sec (google it tonight)
rest 15 sec
Upper Back Roller Mobility Smash while holding bar x 45 sec
rest 15 sec
GHD Back Ext unweighted x 10
rest 15 sec

Tabata Power Snatch @ 95/135
20 sec ME reps/ 10 sec rest x 10 rounds
Rest 3 min
Tabata Power Clean @ 135/185
20 sec ME reps/ 10 sec rest x 10 rounds

100 UB Double-Unders
25 Pullups
15 GHD Situps
75 UB Double-Unders
25 Pullups
15 GHD Situps
50 UB Double-Unders
25 Pullups
15 GHD Situps

rest 6 min:

With a running clock of 3 min complete 3 rounds of 400 m run, ME Muscleups rest 1 min between rounds


Warmup: 3 Rounds

Upper Back Peanut Smash Mobility: 45 sec
rest 15 sec
400 m jog @ 70%, 80%, 90%
rest 15 sec
OHS with Jerk Grip Facing Wall x 10 reps
rest 15 sec
1 Attempt free-standing HS Hold
rest 15 sec

Clean and Jerk from ground: follow timing EXACTLY
Each set is to be done within the designated minute:
If you miss move on
Min 1: 2 Clean + 1 Jerk @ 50% + 5 HR PU
Min 2: 2 Clean + 1 Jerk @ 60% + 5 HR PU
Min 3: 2 Cleans + 1 Jerk@ 70% + 5 HR PU
Min 4: 1 Cleans + 1 Jerk @75% + 5 HR PU
Min 5: 1 Clean + 1 Jerk @80% + 5 HR PU
Min 6: 1Clean + 1 Jerk @85% + 5 HR PU
Min 7: 1 Clean + 1 Jerk @90% + 5 HR PU
Min 8: 1Clean + 1 Jerk @85% + 2 Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)
Min 9: 1Clean + 1 Jerk @80% + 2 Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)
Min 10: 1 Clean + 1 Jerk @75% + 2 Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)
Min 11: 2 Clean + 1 Jerk @70% + 2 Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)
Min 12: 2 Clean + 1 Jerk @60% + 2 Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)
Min 13: 2 Clean + 1 Jerk @50% + 2 Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)

Conditioning: AFAP: Start with 1 of each movement then move to 2 then 3 etc
1 --> 10 Wall Ball (30/20)
1 --> 10 Ring Dips
1 --> 10 OHS (From Ground) (115/165)

Rest 5 min

1 Mile Run AFAP
Accumulate 30 KB Thrusters AFAP (35)


Warmup: 3 Rounds

Trap/Shoulder Mobility: Here: 45 sec each side
rest 15 sec
OH Lunges with barbell: 8 each leg
rest 15 sec
Jerk Balances with 75# x 10
rest 15 sec
20 Cal Airdyne AFAP
rest 30 sec

Snatch from ground: follow timing EXACTLY
Each set is to be done within the designated minute:
If you miss move on
Min 1: 3 @ 50% + 20 DU
Min 2: 3 @ 60% + 20 DU
Min 3: 2@ 70% + 20 DU
Min 4: 2@75% + 20 DU
Min 5: 1@80% + 20 DU
Min 6: 1@85% + 20 DU
Min 7: 1@90% + 20 DU
Min 8: 1@85% + 5 Lateral Burpees
Min 9: 1@80% + 5 Lateral Burpees
Min 10: 2@75% + 5 Lateral Burpees
Min 11: 2@70% + 5 Lateral Burpees
Min 12: 3@60% + 5 Lateral Burpees
Min 13: 3@50% + 5 Lateral Burpees

Back Squat Program
3 sets
A) GHD Back Ext: x 10 reps weighted with barbell @ 65#
B) DB Snatch from ground: 5 reps each arm AHAP

12 minute AMRAP of:
10 Hang Squat Cleans 175/115#
20 Cal Row
30 Box Jumps (24/20)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Warmup, 3 rounds:
Peanut upper back mobility; 45 sec
Rest 15
Barbell overhead lunges x 5 e/l
Rest 15
Unweighted GHD back ext x10
Rest 15
Box jumps on 24" box x 8
Rest 15

Snatch from floor plus hang snatch: find Max effort combo in 15 min THEN 3 sets ME UB hang snatch at 80% of combo

SB: squat program
Nat: Thruster x 3 reps for 6 sets at one heavy weight


Rest 2 min


OHS (95)

Wodism for Autism in Alabaster, AL at CrossFit Alabaster.

10 min AMRAP
5 sec HS hold
5 ring Pushups
5 shoot throughs
15 air squat
5 sec hollow hold

BS Program
6x5 @ 80%


Jerk Grip OHS with bar against pullup rig x 10
rest 15 sec
Connect band to pullup rig, other end where the hamstring connects to glute, and let it pull your hip open: 45 sec each leg
rest 15 sec
20 rowing strokes AS LONG AS POSSIBLE driving out as fast as possible and taking 3 secs to recover
rest 15 sec

Olympic: Jerk from rack/blocks:

FS x 2 + 1 Jerk:
1 Rep at these percentages: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% resting 1 min between sets

Squat Program + 4 sets of 8 Wt. GHD Back Ext with 45# barbell

Squat Snatch (95#, 135#)
Deficit HSPU (4in/6in)
Burpee Box Over Jumps (20/24)

Rest 5 min

AMRAP in 15:
20 Cal Row
10 Front Squats from floor (135)
7 Bar Muscleups



BS Program

5 RFT: 8 Double Handed KB Snatch (35) + 8 DL @ 60% of Max + 200 m sprint


Warm up: 3 rounds
Step Ups on 24" box x 8 e/l
rest 15 sec
Peanut/Double Lacrosse Ball Upper Back Smash x 45 sec
rest 15 sec
Suicide Shuttle Run: run to 40 yds then back, 30 yds then back, 20, 10
rest 15 sec
Press from split jerk position x 10 @ med weight
rest 15 sec

Olympic: ALL
Off Boxes @  Just below knee:
- Power Snatch x 1 + OHS x 3: 6 sets all at same weight (75-85% of snatch) rest 45 sec between efforts
REST 2 Min
- Power Clean + Front Squat x 2 + Push Jerk: 5 sets all at same weight ( 80% of CJ or close) rest 45 sec between efforts



Warmup: 3 rounds
Thoracic Spine Smash x 30 sec
rest 15 sec
GHD Hip Ext x 10 (all the way down, all the way up)
rest 15 sec
Barbell (45#) stepups x 5 e/l
rest 15 sec

Snatch from floor:
All done quickly but not AFAP:

Squats: SB- Program
Back Squat

AMRAP in 10 min:
12 Deadlifts 155/105#
9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105#
6 Push Jerks 155/105#

rest 2 min

Achieve 100 calories on airdyne AFAP 
followed immediately by 50 Burpee Broad Jump AFAP



warmup: 3 rounds
30 sec thoracic spine smash
rest 15 sec
5 sec tempo down, 1 sec up FS with barbell x 5 reps
rest 15 sec

clean and jerk: CJ from the floor: every 45 sec: 1 rep @ 75% for 5 reps then rest 2 min,  1 rep@80% for 5 reps, then rest 2 min 1 rep@85% for 5 reps THEN immediately Amrap in 3 min @90%

Back Squat work: rest 1 min between sets

3 rounds AFAP:
400 m run
20 Barbell OH lunges @ 95#
15 Pushups
10 Muscleups


20 min Row for max distance


WArmup: 4 rounds
Upper back smash x 30 sec
rest 15 sec
Front squat sets
rest 15 sec
Close Grip PVC Wall Squat
rest 15

Snatch from the floor: every 30 sec: 1 rep @ 75% for 5 reps, 1 rep@80% for 5 reps, 1 rep@85% for 5 reps THEN Amrap in 2 min @90%

5 RFT:
3 Power Snatches @ 125
12 Ring Dips
10 Burpees jump onto 45lb plate
50 ft handstand walk

Rest EXACTLY 5 Min

10 min: 15 sec ME cal Airdyne, 15 sec pedal


Programmed FS: B2B 3x10
Upper back smash

Tall Snatch 5x5 all at 50% of snatch rest EXACTLY 30 sec between sets

Back Squats

75 DU
50 KB Swings (35)
25 HSPU regional standard
10 bar muscleups
Row 1k
10 bar muscleups
50 KB swings
75 DU




30 minute run/airdyne/row


Warm up: 
B2B FS 3x10
upper back mobility mash
1 min ME KB Snatch (alt every 5)@ 32/24kg
*Rest 1 minute.
3 min AMRAP of:
3 Front Squats @ 155
100m Shuttle Run (10m increments)
3 Muscle-Ups
*Rest 1 minute.
1 min ME KB Snatch (alt every 5) @ 32/24kg
*Rest 1 minute.
3 min AMRAP of:
3 Front Squats @ 155
100m Shuttle Run (10m increments)
3 Muscle-Ups
*Rest 1 minute.
1 min ME KB Snatch (alt every 5) @ 32/24kg


Snatch: 1 rep every 20 sec for 2 min at 75%, rest 2 min, 1 rep every 30 sec for 2 min @ 80%, 1 rep every 45 sec for 3 min @ 85%, rest 2 min, 1 rep every 60 sec @ 90% for 3 min, rest 3 min, 1 ATTEMPT at 95%  

100 Double-Unders
100′ OH BB Carry 155/105#
30 Pull-Ups
100′ OH BB Carry 155/105#
30 Pull-Ups
100′ OH BB Carry 155/105#
100 Double-Unders

BS: 6x2 @ 80% Tempo 32X1

1a) 3X25 UB GHD Sit-ups
3X20 Reverse Hypers 

Saturday, April 6, 2013


complete the following movements then immediately complete a 50 m hs walk then rest 45 sec
20 Thrusters @ 115#
40 KB Swings @ 53#
150 DU
40 KB Swings @ 53#
20 Thrusters @ 115#