Tuesday, January 31, 2012


1) Back Squat: 1X6 @ 70%, 1X6 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 90%, 1X2 @ 95% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.
170, 190, 210, 225 then did another set of 2 at 225 because I was feeling good today.
2a) 4X8 Bent Over Row (supinated grip) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
95, 135, 135, 135
2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 65%, 1X4 @ 75%, 1X4 @ 80%, 1X4 @ 80% – rest 75 sec.
160, 175, 185, 185
4 rounds for total Sprint time of:
100m Sled Drag (Westside style—heal to toe) – HEAVY AS FUCK
200m Sled Sprint – with 1/2 the weight of the drag
Notes: Sleds should be loaded very heavy for 100m drag. After completing the 100m drag quickly remove 1/2 of the load, leave it at the end of the 100m route, sprint back to the beginning, then back to where you left the weight. Immediately reload the sled and repeat. The Sled Drag is not timed, but the sled sprint is. DO NOT rush the Sled Drag. Each step should be heal to toe—video will be posted in the morning.
130# on pull, 80# on push.  No clue on time but would estimate around 1:15 each give or take.  HELLO LACTIC ACID! These sucked.
*Rest 5 minutes.
5 minute AMRAP of:
Weighted Muscle-Ups 20/10#
Notes: These should ALL be performed as singles. NO CONSECUTIVE REPS. Every one should be drop from the top, re-grip, turn-out, then go.  
16 TOTAL with 15# Weight Vest and here is VIDEO: 

MFS - 2, 3, 2  Feeling great today.   I went to train at another local gym, CrossFit Innovate!! Everyone there is so great and supportive, especially when I don't have all the equipment and space that I need at my home gym.  It's great to be in a different gym for a change and have a change of scenery every once in a while. All in all a good training day.  SLEDS are from the DEVIL!! :)

Monday, January 30, 2012


AM Session:
Snatch Practice.  Here is a video and feedback is welcome!

BB Gymnastics
1a) 3X5 Clean High-Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO
Notes: Straps may be used. The goal is to get the barbell to the nipple line without a rebend of the knee.
95, 135, 135 
1b) 3X5 Tall Cleans – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO
Notes: This WILL NOT be a heavy weight. The goal is with ZERO knee bend or hip angle change, to initiate vertical movement of the barbell with ankle extension, then rapidly pull under into the catch position 
95, 105, 115 :)
“Training Camp 12.2 – WOD 1″
Part 1) 8 minute AMRAP of:
8 Push Jerks 155/105#
8 Ring Dips
16 KB Snatches (8L/8R) @ 24/16kg
Followed IMMEDIATELY by:
Part 2) 2 minute AMRAP of:
Notes: KB Snatches must be performed 8 reps on one arm, then 8 reps on they other. They may not be apportioned any other way. The finish position for the KB Snatch is with the bell completely locked out over the shoulder.
For total reps of Part 1 plus 1 rep for every 5 Double-Unders of Part 2 (any reps shy of 5 do not count – 98 reps = 19).
Score to beat:
Josh Courage 144 (4 rounds + 16 reps of Part 1) + 28 (140 Double-Unders) = 172 total score
Elisabeth Akinwale 127 (3 rounds + 31 reps of Part 1) + 19 (98 Double-Unders) = 146 total score
MY SCORE: 4 rounds + 5 push jerks = 132, 98 DUs = 19.  TOTAL = 151 
I felt really good on this. Started tapering off to save some breath for the DUs. If I did it again, I would have just kept blazing through and maybe got 5 full rounds. Happy with this I guess. There was more in the tank until the DUs.
1a) 3X15 UB Toes to Bar – rest 60 sec. (work on speed – time each round)
~ 18, 19, 19 seconds
1b) 3X10 GH Raise – rest 60 sec. VIDEO DEMO

MFS- 2, 2, 5 still sore from 15 rounds of Mary. Yay

Saturday, January 28, 2012


BB Gymnastics
1) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Snatch – rest as needed.
2) 3 attempts to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk – rest as needed.
Notes: Take as long as you’d like to warm up for these lifts, but limit yourself to ONLY 3 legit attempts. You may use any style of each lift, but try to stick to a near USAW standard.
20 minute AMRAP of:
5 HSPU (Regionals standard)
10 Pistols (5L/5R)
15 Pullups

In the Shoals, as in Muscle Shoals/Florence, AL, today and tomorrow to see the family.  Training today was at CrossFit Shoals.  Love this gym and the people there. If you are ever in Florence, AL or close by, you should definitely go there. 
BB Gymnastics
Was not feeling this today. Ughh I need to get it together. 
Snatch – worked up to 135. I’m not getting my hips open enough so focused on technique. 145 would be PR
C&J – worked up to 165 and it felt so fast and light. 180 would be PR.
Not feeling any PRs today, just fatigued and got little sleep last night because I was traveling. I need/will PR soon.
15 Rounds + 1 HSPU. Wheelhouse. Really didn’t even move fast on it just stayed consistent at about 85 – 90%. 17+ rounds is achievable.  Loved this.
MFS – 3, 5, 3  Tired from traveling and being up at 2am, which I hate. 


*If last week’s High-Bar work seemed easy, you may raise your base number approximately 5%. If it was difficult, stay right where you are.
1) High-Bar Back Squat: 1X6 @ 65%, 1X6 @ 75%, 1X6 @ 80%, 1X6 @ 80% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.
2a) Bench Press: 2X5 @ 70%, 2X5 @ 80% of 120120 – rest 60 sec.
2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 60%, 1X5 @ 65%, 2X5 @ 70% – rest 60 sec.
7 rounds of:
5 Deadlifts @ 315/225#
10 Over the Box Jumps 24/20″
Run 200m
*Rest 4 minutes.
For total working time.
Notes: Each round should be performed ALL OUT. If you have the space and the boxes, set up 5 of them like hurdles (in a straight line) and jump in succession down and back. After the last box jump sprint directly out to your 200m route.


1) HBBS – 160, 185, 195, 200
2a) Bench Press – 105 too easy, 120 too easy
2b) Front Squat – 155, 165, 175, 175

Had to run in a basketball gym down and back so not sure about the 200 as well as 8 turnarounds each run. Ugh
1:28, 1:31, 1:34, 1:34, 1:33, 1:32, 1:28
Total time on clock was 33:28, working time was 10:40 I think.
Deads felt so much better than they have. The runs sucked the worst as always.
MFS – 2, 2, 6 Hamstrings are so tight from 11.1.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


BB Gymnastics
20 minutes Snatch technique work.
Notes: Concentrate on bar path today. Make sure the bar just glances or slides off the pelvis as you pull past the pockets. It should not bounce off the pelvis (or thighs) and change the upward arc of the bar. A slight change of vertical trajectory is acceptable and necessary, but a greater deviation will slow bar speed and make the lifter have to jump forward to receive the bar.
10 minute AMRAP of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55#
Notes: Yes, this is 11.1.
10 minutes Handstand Walk technique work.

BB Gymnastics
Snatch: worked up to 105# easy. Focused on bar path.
 So I told myself after last year that I would never do this workout again. I hated it so bad and layed on the floor for about 15 minutes after I got done. Everything about it, I hated. So I was so excited to see it come up.
I treated it as though it didn’t matter and who gives a crap kind of attitude today.
Turns out that works. haha I got 315 today(7 total rounds) and 24 total reps better than last year, which is still not great but here’s the kicker: I feel like I gave it about 90% of what I had today and after I was done, I felt fine and walked away. Within 5-10 minutes I could have gone again at something else and my heart rate was back down to normal AND I’m not even in peak shape for this year yet. I feel like I haven’t even skimmed the surface of where I will be come regionals. So that is great.
Handstand walks are easy for me. Is there anything more that people could do if they already have handstand walks like champions? I focused on Ring HSPU which are not hard for me either but still engages my midline more.
MFS – 2, 3, 2 Good day of training and felt good too like I wanted a lot more after it was over. I had to rest Wednesday because my back was in knots for some stupid reason. Felt much better today.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Decided to take a REST DAY because my back is too fatigued and I'm just not feeling it today.  

I decided to go for a run with a friend. This was at a very slow and easy pace.  Probably about 30 minutes.

Then did a YOGA class.  Easy session and stretching.

Looking forward to training tomorrow.  My head is feeling back on straight after this rest day.


1) Back Squat: 1X8 @ 65%, 1X6 @ 75%, 1X4 @ 85%, 1X4 @ 90% – rest 2-3 min. between each set.
2a) 4X8 STRICT Weighted Pullups (any grip) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
2b) Front Squats: 1X5 @ 70%, 1X4 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 1X3 @ 90% – rest 75 sec.
“Beat the Coach 1.2″
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 225/150#
Notes: To “Beat the Coach” the Rx weight is 225/150# (you must perform all 20 reps with this weight). If you cannot finish the work with this weight try to use the heaviest possible for the entire piece. Your score is the weight that is on the bar when you finish. If you remove weight you MAY NOT add it back on.
3 rounds for total reps of:
2 minutes ME Muscle-Ups
-rest 1 minute
2 minutes ME Lateral Jumps 12″
-rest 1 minute
Notes: Muscle-Ups should be performed with a full turnout and the rings hung high enough to jump to. Lateral Jumps should be performed using a 12″ barrier or hurdle. A barbell is fine as long as it’s measured at 12″ high. These are for total number of jumps.
Midline (time permitting)
5 minute AMRAP of TGUs @ 24/16kg (alternate every 3 reps).

1) 160, 180, 190, 200, 205  Felt good on these today and I haven't really felt good with LBBS since I started this squat cycle. 
2a) 18, 23, 26, 28.5  All UB.  
2b) 160, 180, 190, 185 These felt worse today and they usually feel great. 
Back was trashed from Monday.  Started with 135 and could not hold the bar at the hang.  Dropped straight to 115. On a good day, I think I could have done 150. Hopefully.
MU: 12, 12, 12 Felt great on these.  5 UB on each round at first. 
Lateral Jumps: 85, 90, 110.
9 on each side.
MFS- 4, 6, 4 Really tired and fatigued today.  Might rest tomorrow.