Monday, January 16, 2012


BB Gymnastics
1a) 3X5 Snatch High-Pulls – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. 
Notes: Straps may be used. The goal is to get the barbell to the nipple line without a rebend of the knee.
1b) 3X5 Tall Snatches – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. 
Notes: This WILL NOT be a heavy weight. The goal is with ZERO knee bend or hip angle change, to initiate vertical movement of the barbell with ankle extension, then rapidly pull under into the catch position
10 minute AMRAP of:
12 C2B Pullups
12 Box Jumps 30/26”

HAPPY MLK DAY! That means no school.  Oh yea. 
BB Gymnastics
1a) 115, 125, 135. Felt strong and solid.
1b) 65, 75, 85. These also felt awesome. Like these a lot.
First attempt (10:00am) 6 rounds + 3C2B.  Felt like I was slow and knew I could do better.
Second attempt because I was feeling good throughout the day (5:15pm) 7 full rounds.  I did full regional standard on box jumps.  

MFS- 2,3,3  This was the first day of training in a while where I have felt good and not so fatigued and sore that I wanted to quit and this is another reason why I repeated the workout fatigued after a long day and on an empty stomach.  Outlaw programming is very hard and this squat cycle is going to make me stronger but not without a huge and torturous fight at the beginning. I finally feel like I am getting somewhere and that is awesome.  From starting this programming on the 26th of December, I have fully put my trust in it that it will work and there is no doubt it is going to take me somewhere great.  I have been full of self doubt lately and now that is being pushed aside and I am ready to kick some major butt. I would say other words but trying to keep it PG.  I have to remember that every athlete has self doubt but it is what you do with it.  I like to turn it into positive and no matter how bad I sucked that day, I still got through it and am getting better by pushing through.  I have grown so much more on the days where I had a horrible day and crying through the workout which is rare verses the days where I was awesome.  I also have to remember where I came from when I started CrossFit or even just last year or even a few months ago.  That is absolutely amazing. 

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