Happy Leap Day!!
BB Gymnastics
20 minutes Split Jerk technique work.
Notes: Concentrate on footwork and driving the hips under the bar into a support position. DO NOT go heavy unless technique is flawless. Make sure footwork for EVERY lift is the same. Do not change landing position when the weight gets heavier.
Got up to 175 easy so I jumped to 190 and failed twice. Shoulders are burnt up from the past 2 days.
5 rounds for time of:
11 Deadlifts @ 225/155#
11 Pushups (hand release)
11 Pushups (hand release)
4:49 Very happy with this. First round was slower than the last but middle rounds probably were not. I love V-ups because we used to do them all the time when I was a gymnasts. Deads felt great but got slow because of the taxation of the core due to the other movements. I wanted sub 5. :)Notes: This entire WOD should be performed using negative splits. The first round should be performed slower than the final round. Try to build pace throughout the entire piece from 85% on the first round up to full capacity on the final round.
MFS - 3, 5, 7 Very sore from the last 2 days of training. Happy Happy Happy for a rest day.