BB Gymnastics
1) 7X1 Snatch off High Boxes (at hip) – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
Up to 130.
2) 7X1 Clean & Jerk off High Boxes (at hip) – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
Stayed light at up to 155 because my bottom position is lower than where the weights will catch on the box and that is annoying.
1) Back Squat (please read the directions carefully):
Set 1: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 2:00 @ 90% (5 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 5 reps are completed.
*Rest 3:00 exactly.
Set 2: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 1:30 @ 90% (4 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 4 reps are completed.
*Rest 2:00 exactly.
Set 3: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 1:00 @ 90% (3 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 3 reps are completed.
*Rest 3:00 exactly.
Set 2: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 1:30 @ 90% (4 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 4 reps are completed.
*Rest 2:00 exactly.
Set 3: 1 Back Squat every 30 seconds for for 1:00 @ 90% (3 total reps) – DO NOT re-rack the barbell until all 3 reps are completed.
Notes: These are LOW Bar Back-Squats. Percentage is based off of most recent 1RM HBBS.
First set at 225 because I was kinda scared and then did 235 for last two sets. No misses. Felt good actually.
2) 5X2 Pause Front Squats (3 counts in bottom), heavy rest 90 seconds.
165, 175, 185, 200(1), 200(1), 195
7 minute AMRAP of:
50 Double-Unders
4 rounds + 24 reps. Yikes my shoulders blew up quick.Notes: HSPU are regionals standard.
Wednesday, 121107
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