Tuesday, October 2, 2012


BB Gymnastics
1) Clean & Jerk: 2X2 @ 65%, 2X1 @ 70%, 2X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 85%, 4X1 @ 70% – rest 60-90 seconds for the sets through 90%, rest 30 seconds between reps for the final set.
135, 155, 170, 185, 155
2a) 3X5 Pendlay Row – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
2b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings – heavy but PERFECT rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
105, 125, 125
High Bar Back Squat: 1X5 @ 75%, 1X3 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 3X1 @ 90% – rest 2:00
Notes: Percentage should be based off of your most recent 1RM Squat.
I suck at squatting. 200, 215, 225(2), 225(1), 235, 240F, 225 Had no drive out of hole and got stuck.
Compare to 120511
5 rounds for total working time of:
3 HPC @ 80% (of 1rm Clean)
6 Box Jumps 36/30″
12 T2B
Sprint 100m
3 Hang Squat Cleans @ 80%
Rest 1:1
165#. Total meltdown on this. Layed out on the floor after the first set crying hysterically. I still finished all the sets although it was a battle. Just one of those days. The last time I did it, we did HPC the whole time because we read the workout wrong.  Squatting it at the end made a huge difference.  

30 minute run/jog later.

It's YOU against YOU!!!

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