Monday, October 1, 2012

Pensacola Beach Brawl 120929

WOD #1.1- 1 min AMRAP- Max Hang Cleans
Men Rx- 205#, Scaled-135#
Women Rx- 115#, Scaled- 65#
Hang Power, squat, or split variations allowed. Once deadlifted, you must come to pause. Bar cannot go below the knee while performing the clean. The tiebreaker will be double unders (singles scaled).  If/when the athlete feels they can’t get anymore hang cleans, they will perform max double unders until time expires. Score is total hang clean reps plus any double unders (ex. 12.23)

WOD #2- Deadlift/Burpee
100 Double Under buy-in (singles scaled)
Burpee (over the bar)

Men Rx- 225#, Scaled-185#
Women Rx- 155#, Scaled- 115#
Score is total time.

WOD #3- Barbell Complex - weight remains the same
For time:
30 Power Cleans
25 Front Squats
20 Shoulder to Overhead (press or jerk variations)
15 Snatch (power, squat, split)
10 Overhead Squats

Men Rx- 115#, Scaled-75#
Women Rx- 75#, Scaled- 45#

WOD #4- Box Jump Over/KB/Row
For time:
30 Box Jump Overs (scaled may step up and over)- lateral or facing box
40 KB Swings
750M Row

Men Rx- 30" box/2 Pood, Scaled-24" box/1.5 Pood
Women Rx- 24" box/1.5 Pood, Scaled- 20" box/1 Pood

WOD #1.2- Beach Run
Unspecified sandbag weight and unspecified distance.  You can carry the sandbag any way you chose. There are two walls you must climb over along the way. Score is total time.

Final Event (TOP 6 only) Winner take ALL
Hero workout
26 one arm KB Snatch (70/53)
26 WB
29 Toes through rings
30 Clean and Jerk (135/95)
10 MU buy-out for females

*10 MU buy-in for guys.

This was an awesome competition and for anyone that didn't go, you should have. It was such a blast being there in that environment on the beach. I didn't perform as well as I would have liked to on the first 5 events and felt a little depleted throughout the day. Maybe it was the sun and humidity or maybe it was just me. I have no clue but it was still enough to get me to my clutch which was the last event. It was a hard competition throughout the day and it was definitely a battle for me internally and externally or mentally and physically. Still so pumped that I won because basically it was a work capacity event and that's where I need the most work. They are going to have another comp that will be bigger and better next year so everyone should plan on attending! It was well worth the trip!!

During the last event!

Don't really have any other pics because I was there by myself. :(

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