Saturday, March 30, 2013


Power Snatch from the blocks (above knee) + 3 OHS. 6 sets
120. Might could have gone heavier. Not sure. Wasn't feeling great.

A) Bottom to Bottom FS: 3 sets of 8 reps @ 95#… pause at the bottom of everyone and have a PVC behind you to force glutes to activate
B) Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 sets of 8 reps E/L @35# KB in each hand
C) Weighted Strict Ring Dips: 3 sets of 8 reps

Decided to go home and call it a day. Over it. 



A) close grip PVC OHS with face as close to a wall as possible: 3x10
B) 45 sec of the barbell version of this for 3 sets

snatch from floor: 5 sets of 3: ALL WORKING SETS MUST BE DONE WITHIN 10LBS OF EACH OTHER
145, 145, 150, 150, 150

185, 190, 195, 200, 200

conditioning: 10 min airdyne for max calories… yep no rest, no tabata.  get as many as you can understanding that 10 min is a long time


A) GHD unweighted back ext: 3x10
B) 45 sec of this for three sets

Conditioning: 6 Rounds: 250 m row, 9 DL, 6 Hang Power Cleans, 3 Push Presses all @ 115, rest 1:1


Bottom to Bottom FS: 3 sets of 8 reps @ 95#… pause at the bottom of everyone and have a PVC behind you to force glutes to activate



Front Squat Max. When midline breaks down, stop there.

Run 400m
15 OHS (95)
Rest 1:1, 5 rounds


Jerks: 3@70%, 3@75%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1 SET MAX UB REPS @ 70%

Triple Under Practice

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


1) Clean + Hang Clean ladder: start at 135 working up 10 lbs every 60 sec until failure.  YES 10LBS EVEN IF IT IS A HARD JUMP

2) Conditioning
4 sets:
45 sec Airdyne
15 sec rest
45 sec ME Wall Ball (30)
15 sec rest

Midline Work:
A) Good Mornings: 5x5
B) BN Jerk Grip Push Press x3 + 6 SEC Pause OHS with Jerk Grip: 5 sets

7 rds resting 30 sec btw rds (no rest btw movements)
7 Shoulder to OH 115#
10 HR Pushup


1) snatch + hang snatch ladder: start at 115 working up 10 lbs every 60 sec until failure.  YES 10LBS EVEN IF IT IS A HARD JUMP

A) Snatch high pull: 3x3 @ 175#
rest 30 sec
B) ME UB Toes To Bar: 3xME
rest 30 sec
C) Front Rack Barbell Step Ups: 3x8 each leg @ 95# DO NOT PUT THE BAR DOWN UNTIL ALL 16 REPS ARE DONE OR DROP THE WEIGHT

3) 15 min running clock: 2K Row, 50 alternating pistols, 30 hang power cleans @ 135, ME muscleups in remaining time
PM (after 12 hour shift)
1A) 3 x 90 sec plank hold
1B) 200 m farmer's carry (53)
2) 20 min row at 70% pace


Jerks Only: 3@60,70,80% 2@85,90%, 1@95% THEN 15 Reps AFAP @75%

FS/BS: 2/4@82% x 6 sets

A) Deadhang Pullups: 3xME
B) Strict DB Press: 3x8


1)CLEAN off blocks (hip) + JERK
5x2 (Jerk both reps)

3x3 @ 100%+
2B) 3 x 12 Double KB Snatch
2C) 3 x ME Freestanding HS Hold

3) Conditioning:
6 sets with 1 min rest
30 sec ME Calorie Airdyne
30 sec ME Squat Clean Thruster (95)


12 min AMRAP
150 wall balls
90 double unders
30 muscle ups

SNATCH off blocks (hip)

Front Squat/ Back Squat
2/4 @ 85-90%

5 Rounds of a 2 min running clock followed by a 1 min rest:
250 m row THEN:
1st round: ME KB Snatch (35) alternating arms every 10 reps
2nd round: ME GHD Situps
3rd round: ME KB Swing (53)
4th round: ME Toe To Bar
5th round: ME Burpees

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



1 minute ME Ring Dips.
-then (no rest)-
4 minute AMRAP of:
15 OHS @ 95/65#
20 Pull-ups
30 Double-Unders
-then (no rest)-
1 minute ME Ring Dips.
-then (no rest)-
4 minute AMRAP of:
15 OHS @ 95/65#
20 Pull-ups
30 Double-Unders
-then (no rest)-
1 minute ME Ring Dips.
CLEAN and Jerk
5 @ 85%. 
185. Went up to 195 because I felt good.
1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean @ 75%
165 felt easy.
1A) 4 x 3 BtN PP
up to 170.
1B) 4 x ME Strict Deficit HSPU
45lb plates to the floor (no abmat) 7, 5, 5, 5 + 5 kipping each set
1C) 4x8 GHD Back Extension


Front Squat/Back Squat
2/4 @ 90% x 6 sets
Went at 85%. Feeling weak. 215.

4 sets, rest 1 minute
30 sec Airdyne
30 sec Jumping Squat (45#)
30 sec Airdyne
30 sec burpees

3@ 70%, 3@ 75%, 2 @80%, 2 @ 85%, 3 @ 90%
Up to 145. Feeling super weak.

1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch @ 80%
3 @ 125, 3 @ 130. 80% was not going to happen today. 

Stomach Virus Hell and Open workout 13.2

So I woke up Tuesday, March 12, 2013 with the stomach virus. I literally thought I woke up with rhabdo. I felt so sore and my body ached and I thought to myself that I had just overtrained. Hadn't had a rest day since the previous Monday and I was on my 5th day at the hospital.  I told myself, today is your rest day and your last day at work so you can do it! I knew something was also wrong when I was feeling so nauseous and I didn't want coffee. I always want coffee so that was a huge red flag. I got to work early and prepared for my day and started researching on my patients for the day. I couldn't concentrate. I didn't even want to get up out of the chair. I was trying to drink some ice water, which iI thought would help but I don't even like that either. By 0915 I couldn't hold my head up and I had horrible body aches and nausea. I was fighting back tears and our day was getting busier by the second and I knew my day was about to get worse because we were changing patients. I decided to go to my assistant nurse manager to see what she thought I should do. I immediately started crying and she sent me home of course. She also said the stomach virus was going around and even within our staff. 

So I went home and laid in bed for about 50 hours straight. Only getting up to go to the bathroom. Never got my temperature but I was freezing cold and sweating under the covers.  My fever broke that night but came back the next night. By Thursday I was feeling a little better. I would get up for about 30 minutes and then go back to sleep. I was so nauseated on Thursday and other horrible symptoms started. My stomach would never settle and I was alternating phenergan and limotil, both of which medicines make you feel like crap. By Friday, I was feeling a little better. Was able to go to the gym to play around with the workout, 13.2, and see how I wanted to attack it. I didn't feel good but didn't want to come into the gym Saturday without having played around with it especially feeling sick. Only in the gym for an hour and went straight to sleep. 

Saturday came and I did not feel great but knew I just needed to go do the workout. I was still experiencing symptoms. 13.2 Was awful. That much movement for my stomach was not good. I won't go into details. Let's just say I finished with 319. I was very disappointed with my score but knew it would be enough and I'm not redoing it. 

Sunday, I relaxed and prepped for the week ahead and going back to work. 

This has been one of the worst sicknesses I have ever experienced in my life. I'm still not feeling right and it's Wednesday of the next week, and not back to 100% and feel like it will be a while until I do. Ugh. I don't wish this on anyone. I'm glad I'm on the upside though. 

Friday, March 15, 2013


Snatch deadlift + Snatch from 1in off the floor
150#. Felt pretty good considering it was 4:30am

4 sets, rest as needed
30 sec ME airdyne
6 MU, hold 10 sec at top of last MU
ouch is all I can say

** after 12 hour shift.

10 minute ascending round AMRAP of:
3 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
3 Burpee Box Jumps 36/30″
3 C2B Pull-ups
6 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
6 Burpee Box Jumps 36/30″
6 C2B Pull-ups
9 Hang Clean to Thrusters 135/95#
9 Burpee Box Jumps 36/30″
9 C2B Pull-ups
Not smart to do this but oh well I did it. 


WORK then...

Clean off blocks (below knee)
Blah - back still shotty.

1A) 4X3 Strict Press
1B) 4X8 Weighted Back Extension

10 Min EMOM
10 Thruster (65)
20 DU
~about 30 sec- 35 sec per round

Weird. lol


Snatch off blocks (below knee)
Wow, pointless. Low back is tight. 

*With a running clock…
3 rounds for time of:
50 Double-Unders
25 Wall-Balls
10/7 Muscle-Ups
>If you finish this effort in less than 12 minutes, rest until the clock reaches 12 minutes.
2 minutes ME Rope Climbs 15′
>Rest 1 minute.
2 minutes ME Row for Calories
Had no push this morning. It was pretty pathetic.
Went to the Brayden Bash to support a local charity since I couldn't be there during the day because of work
Completed the last workout for fun and because it looked like an easy workout to smash.
10 S2O (175/125)
20 GHDs
10 FS 
20 GHDs
10 S2O 
Saw some good friends from out of town and had a good time. Had to call it a day early since back to work early in the am. 


Open Wod 13.1
17 min AMRAP
40 Burpees
30 Snatch (45)
30 Burpees 
30 Snatch (75)
20 Burpees 
30 Snatch (100)
10 Burpees
Snatch (120)
197 :)

1A) ME Double KB Snatch (53)

Happy CrossFit Games Open !!


power clean ladder + split jerk: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205: drop 40 lbs from last made weight and complete 1 set ME UB reps

2x250m rest 1:1
2x250m rest 1.5:1
2x250m rest 2:1



1A) Snatch Grip Good Mornings into Snatch Grip Push Press into OHS: 3 sets of 5 reps: rest 60 sec
1B) DB Clean to Thruster (must touch ground everytime): 3 sets of 12 UB AHAP: rest 60 sec
Stuck with 35#. 

3-6 Rounds: 30 sec ME Airdyne + 30 sec ME Burpees, rest 1 min: at least 3 rounds completed.  When total (cal + burpees) drops by MORE than 5 total the workout is over.  Complete at least 3 rounds BUT stop at 6 rounds
6 rounds done.

800m run
400m run
800m run

Snatch Ladder: 95,105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175: complete a rep every 45 sec.  allowed 1 miss at each weight, once you miss twice at the same weight you can't move forward.  Whatever weight you last complete drop 30lbs and complete 1 set of ME unbroken reps from the floor

Up to 160 then ME UB reps at 130#. 
Got 4 without straps and 5 with straps. Here is the set with straps. 

15-12-9 Power Snatch(115)
Box Jump (20)


BACK to WORK and real life :(

Front Squat/Back Squat
2/4 @ 90% of FS. 
230 - not so good today. Really fatigued from the weekend I guess. 

Dallas,TX, March 1-3

March 1
So I decided to go to TX one last time to work with my coach before the Open and everything gets crazy.  It just so happened to be the same weekend as the Outlaw Camp at CrossFit Deep so I joined in on the fun. 

Max Snatch
165 easy. 

Max Clean and Jerk
215 and stopped :) 5lb PR!! Wooohoo Sorry the video flips. I did not record it but glad I got it on film.

March 2
7:00am training session with CrossFit Deep Team before Camp started. 
I did a partner workout with Kasey, who also happened to give me an amazing place to stay that weekend. 
3 rounds:
15 Squat clean and jerk (185/125)
30 Partner Burpees
100m Partner carry each

Me and Ingrid Kantola :) Love seeing her.

Front Squat/Back Squat: 3/6 @ 90% of 85% of FS. 

EMOM 2 Snatch @ 80%. 
Then 2 min AMRAP of Max Snatch @ 80%. 
Went at 140. ~83% and got 17. Have hit 18 before. Back was fried. 

March 3
4 min AMRAP
2 rounds
12 alt. KB Snatch (53/35)
6 burpee over box jump
24 DU
Max MU with remaining time
Rest 2 min and repeat. 

I was demo girl for all the gymnastics stuff of the day, then I was back to Alabama. 

It was overall an amazing weekend! I had such a blast. :)