Sunday, December 30, 2012


2000m row

OHS stabilization work with bands and kbs. Very challenging and interesting. Smokes the shoulders.
Video on my FB page.
10X2 with 3 second hold in the bottom if possible.
35lb KBs on each side with purple bands (aka lots of bounce and unsteadiness). lol
Last set added the 5lb plates. 

5X10 Shoulder Press @ 50-60% with 10 GHDs per round.
Rest as needed between sets.


Feeling a little run down this morning. 

Build up to heavy Split Jerk
Only went up to 195. Felt pretty easy but didn't want to go up any higher and ran out of time.

3 rounds with 1 min rest between rounds
1 min at each station (Fight Gone Bad style)

Double KB Front Squat (53/35)
Axel Deadlift (135/95)
Strict HSPU

100, 109, 112.
Pistols were 26, 36, 35
Strict HSPU were 20, 19, 19  Not sure about the others.

Now time to go to Birmingham for Zac Brown Band Concert! Woohoo. 
They were amazing!!! 

Friday, December 28, 2012


Flight Simulator
12:36 I think this is the fastest I have ever done this but I hit my feet like 4 times so I know way faster is possible.

Build up OHS
Was working my way up with sets of 5 and got to 155 for 5 when it was decided that we would do the below. 

Then 30 OHS for time at 225/155
6:05 (EZ 7:38)  Sets were 6,6,6,4,4,4

15 minute clock:
Work 1:1 with partner
10 Push Press (155/105)
30 sec HS Hold
8 rounds each. Shoulders smoked from all the above work.

Build up to heavy Front Squat
Was feeling good so went for a PR and got 250 pretty easy, which was a 5lb PR. So I put on 5 more pounds at 255 and nailed it. yay! 10lb PR. :)
Video on FB page.
Coming out of the hole. Ugly but I'll take it. Working on the form.

1 Front Squat every 45 seconds at 85% (10 reps)
215. Last set did 2 reps.

10 Minutes to build to heavy Snatch
Got up to 155 and ran out of time. Had more in me though.

12 Minute AMRAP
2 Snatch (205/135)
12 Ring Dips
7 rounds + 2 reps but finished out 9 rounds because that is what EZ almost finished with. Took about to the 14 min mark. Shoulders hurt from all the above today.  Really had to rely on form on the snatch. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012


AM - no sleep last night because my husband was snoring so loud. bad night. Feeling run down and fatigued.
20 Min EMOM
5 Power Clean and Jerk TNG (135/95)
Lower back feeling tight

18 Minutes alternating with partner
~30ft HS Walk
15 WB (20lb to 11/9ft target)
15 T2B
6 KB Snatch Alternating (70/53)
6 rounds each. Very exhausted from getting no sleep last night. Just feel fatigued and sore in general.


6x500m Row 
1 min rest

2 rounds for time:
250m row
12 OHS (95/65)
30 Pull-up
9 Burpee
6:34 at intensity of about 0. Still felt ok though on this and UB.


6 x 500m row
1 min rest

First 5 mins: 3 Power Cleans TNG @ 70-75% (15 total reps)
Second 5 mins: 2 Power Cleans TNG @ 75-80% (10 total reps)
165 for first 3 mins, then 170 for the next 2 mins
Third 5 mins: Every 30 seconds - 1 Power Clean @ 85% (10 total reps)

CrossFit Shoals Edition of 12 days of Christmas (Partly from CF Invictus)
Follow the sequence 1, then 2,1, then 3,2,1, then 4,3,2,1, and so on.
1 20 DU
2 Snatch (155/105)
3 Stone (145/96)
4 MU
5 Burpee
6 T2B
7 C2B
8 Front Squat (155/105)
9 Box Jump (30/24)
11 G2O (155/105)
12 Shoot Throughs

50:09. EZ beat me by about 50 seconds. :( Oh well, very hard and fun at the same time
All sets of MU UB. :)
15 minutes
250m row
10 burpee
30 DU
6 rounds

Build up to heavy Back Squat
Up to 235, failed 245

5X2 Back Squat at 80% of 1 RM

With a partner alternating while the other rests, 15 minute clock
5 Back Squat (275/175)
10 GHD
8 rounds a piece.


Merry CHRISTmas!!
Thank you LORD for sending your SON!
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Please go be with the ones you love and remember the real reason we are on this earth. :)


Build to heavy Full Snatch + Hang Snatch
Up to 135

Then 10 reps AFAP (Full Snatch) at same weight.
135. Jumped the gun and went out too fast. 4:23

"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds
50 Air Squats
7 MU
10 Hang Power Clean (135/95)

8:06 I think this is like over a 4 minute PR. Haven't done this in over 2 years though. 

20 sets
30 sec run at 50%
30 sec run at 90%
Was walking on the 50%.  Lower legs still feel weird from falling. I think I went about 2 miles. 

5 years ago on this day, we stood in the same spot and spent our first Christmas Eve together at Brad's Dad's family's land in TN. 


EMOM 10-12
5 Power Snatch TNG (155/105) 
I felt good at the 10 minute so I kept going.  On round 12, we decided to do one last set but squat snatch instead of power and they had to be TNG as well. :)

Then 2 person teams, one works while the other rests
20 minutes
2 Bear Complex (155/105)
1 Rope Climb
10 T2B
1 Rope Climb
I think we ended up with 9 rounds a piece. The last two sets, I did with 135. Grip and core burner.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


25 min to build to max Squat Clean and Jerk
Played it safe and got up to 200. Had more but ran out of time.


2 Man Team Me and EZ teamed up so we could push each other.

3min Work/3min Rest

Axel C&J 165/115

I got 22. Had never done these before. Interesting and fun. We had no clips so we had to keep adjusting that. EZ got 30
Muscle Ups
18, EZ 25

20, EZ 10
Paralette HSPU

17, EZ 13
Back Squats 185/135

41 - ouch!!!!, EZ 39
Double Unders

Calves cramped up so I only got 161. EZ 177. 

He barely came out on top because of the DUs but we were both cramped up by the end. haha.  We smoked all the other teams. It was fun and super hard. Good to play around with axels and stones. 


SNATCH off blocks (hip)
Up to 130. I found out I was doing them wrong. 

CLEAN off blocks (above knee)
Clean x 2 + 1 Jerk (5 sets)
Up to 170. Trying to stay on my heels longer and not jump forward. 

2x10 ub each leg
85. Did 3 sets. oops

10 Box Jump (40/30)
3 Squat Snatch (185/120)
7 Ring Push up
So this was my third time in 6 days to do 30" box jumps.  Might not should have done them.  Anyways I was beating everyone.  I love being home and training with EZ Muhammad and some of the other guys here.  I was about to lap EZ when I freaking speared my left leg by missing the box slightly.  At this point, I had already done 8 rounds going on round 9, and that's a good 80 box jumps at 30".  We had about 4 mins left.  So I shook it off and said, "ok you are fine, keep going." 4 box jumps later and I miss both feet and rake both legs up the box. HOLY CRAP.  Worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life.  I literally was hyperventilating. The guys stopped and came over to help me.  I think they said we made it to about 17 mins, but I could not catch my breath because of the pain.  They helped get me some napkins and hydrogen peroxide because that is all we had and tons of paper towels to try to stop the bleeding.  I am still happy that I beat everyone even though I took the worst to my shins.  It amazes me that in 4 years of CF I have never done that. I guess it was my time, but I advise everyone to be careful. Some of the falls in gymnastics were bad but I don't remember any kind of pain like I felt at that moment and still feel and will feel for weeks.

I went to have them checked out just in case since I am home for Christmas and my dad is a physician. No stitches and they gave me a shot for pain. ugh. This is so bad. The two on the left leg are super deep. 

PM - and yes I am crazy and went back to the gym later. lol
EMOM 15 
10 Push Press (135/95)
Completed. Each set took about 10-12 secs.

6 Sets Rest 5 min
15 KB (70/53)
15 Burpee
100m Sprint
1:43, 1:38, 1:36, 1:35, 1:34, 1:30

Thursday, December 20, 2012


135. Getting better with technique but still having trouble trying not to just use brute strength to get it off the ground and up. Got on my toes too early so on later sets I focused on keeping weight in my heels early.

3X3 100+%
170. Felt better than Monday but still feels heavy. :(

Went up by 5lbs each set starting with 165 up to 195.  Video on FB page. 195 was ugly so I will probably go down next week and focus on technique. I don't think I have ever push jerked 195 though so that was cool. I can't imagine what I would be doing if my technique was good. lol

85, 85, 95, 95 Never done these before. Not too sure what to think of them yet. Maybe more weight next week.

1.5 pood/53lb completed.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I woke up incredibly sore especially in my butt and legs just feeling so fatigued. Damn those bulgarian split squats. 

6@70%  155
5@75%  165
4@80%  175
3@85%  185
2@90%  195
1@95%  205, 210
3 SETS MAX UB REPS (rest as needed between) @ 80%
5, 4, 5 @ 175  Worst part was catching it. 

6X2 Tempo 51X2 @80%
215.  My butt does not want to work because I'm so sore. 

A1. 3x max UB Ring HSPU (rest 30 sec)
15, 11, 12
A2. 3x 40 sec row sprint @ 95% (rest 3 min)  
Looked at the meters at exactly 40s (not how far it coasted)
186, 189, 185 meters
B. 50 UB Wall ball
Couldn't complete. Got to 37 and arms and butt gave out. I have done this before with a 20lb ball. oh well. Moving on. I blame the few days before and the above. 
C. 20 min Z1 run or row
At this point, it was more like a walk. Legs and butt were done. 

Find 5 rep max
Up to 60 for 2. Limiting factor was cleaning the weight up to rack position.
6X2 @ 90%, 1 Every 30sec.

AMRAP in 15 minutes
1 MU, 1 Box jump @30, 2 MU, 2 Box J @30, 3,3,4,4,5,5……..
10 rounds + 3 MU. Happy with this considering how sore I am.

3 part PLANKS.


6@70% 150
4@80% 170
3@85% 180
2@90% 190
1@95% 200
15 REPS AFAP @85%
Did this at 185. Was about 8lbs over what I was supposed to do. oops. Took me a forever 8:51 to do this. I was having a hard time getting out of the hole and driving out of the front squat. Maybe it was the tempo front squats from the day before.


130, 135, 140, 145, 150(4)

3X8 each leg
85, 95, 100 OUCH. all UB.


4 sets; rest 2 min
20m sled sprint heavy, release sled and finish off to total of 100m
heavier next week.  Each one was about 20s.
4x200m sprint @ 95% (rest 3 min)
41sec. each one. Faster if I didn't have to worry about dodging cars and on a track. Legs wanted to give out after about 100m.
2x400m sprint @ 95% (rest 4 min)
1:41 for each. Super slow. Had nothing in the tank. I'm beat.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Snatch 5X2 @ WW
135, 140, 145, 150, 150
Video on FB 

8 singles at same weight, 1 every 30 seconds. 
150 no misses. Was very pleased with this considering I haven't been able to hit 150 consistently lately since I have been reworking my snatch technique. Yay for progress.

Snatch Pulls 4X3 @ 100%+
Stayed at 170. Focused on hitting the hips. Felt super heavy though.

Front Squat 3X6 @ 70@ (Tempo 30X1)
175. These need some work. I could feel my midline start to cave towards the last few reps of each set. Tempo thing is super hard.

Two Hand KB Snatch 4X20 UB
26, 35 for the rest. ouch!

3 Part AB Circuit.

10 min ankle mob
20 sets
30 sec run @ 50%
30 sec run @ 90%
*Focus hard on 90%
Wow. This hurt. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Graduation Day!!

Today, I graduated for the second time from the University of Alabama.  This time, it was with a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. As I looked around at those graduating around me, they are my friends and we have all suffered together while going through nursing school. It was a really special moment. It meant more.

I was wearing heels too haha. My best friend in school, Elaina.
My sister and nieces with baby #3 due any day now.
Mom and Dad
Brad. <3
My brother and I

Brad's family was also there and got tons of calls from friends and family. I just felt so special.  I really tried not to make a big deal of this because it was my second degree, but I'm glad I got to spend the day with all the people that love me most. 

By 2:00pm I was exhausted and really didn't want to work out but my awesome best friend, Carla, came to the gym to workout with me. 

Front Squats (based off 121201):
1) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 75% 185
-rest 1 minute
2) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 80% 200
-rest 1 minute
3) Every 30 seconds for 2:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 85% 215
I wasn't feeling like doing anything today really so I came up with this gem of a workout. Yea, give it a shot.  Pretty awful. What was I thinking? Anyways, I did not move fast through it because feeling pretty burnt out lately.  3 rounds + DUs


1) Every 40 seconds for 6:00 (20 total reps):
2 Banded Deadlifts @ 60% Bar Weight + 20% Band Tension
Notes: The bar should be loaded with 60% of the 1RM Deadlift. Band tension should equal 20% of 1RM at the top of the lift. Judging band weight and setup is explained in this DEMO VIDEO
Stuck with 185 and blue band. Felt good, fast, explosive, and easy.
2) Bench Press: 3X10 - absolutely heaviest possible each set, rest as needed.
Notes: All reps must be performed with the hips (ass) in contact with the bench. 
125, 135, 135 Tough. Last set was the best one though. Might could have done more. 
7 Rope Climbs 15′
7 Push Press 185/120#
5 Rope Climbs 15′
5 Push Press 185/120#
3 Rope Climbs 15′
3 Push Press 185/120#
8:34 Went really slow and not really for time. All the push press were easy. 
Rope climbs hurt my hands so bad. ugh.
Rest 15 mins
3 rounds for time
20 KB (53/35) 
50 DU
5:37 Everything UB and felt good.
Well, everybody else was trying it so I thought I should too. lol
Awesome workout buddies today!
Graduation ceremony at the Capstone College of Nursing School.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


BB Gymnastics
1) Every 20 seconds for 4 minutes (13 total reps):
1 Power Snatch @ 75% (of max Snatch any style)
130 no misses.

2) Every 20 seconds for 4 minutes (13 total reps):
1 Power Clean @ 75% (of max Clean any style)
155. easy. no misses.
1a) 5X3 3 Stop Snatch Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
135, 155, 165, 170, 175, 175
1b) 5X5 Hang Clean Hi-Pulls (flat footed)– heavy, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
Notes: BB should rise to chest height – elbows above bar – feet should stay flat on the ground.
105, 115, 120, 125, 125, 125
1c) 4X5 Split Press – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
95, 105, 110, 110, 115, 115
Choose one…
Row: 4X500m – rest 2:1 – 30 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.
Run: 5X400m – rest 2:1 – 25 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.
Swim: 5X100m – rest 2:1 – 20 burpee penalty for every set that deviates +/- 5 sec. from the fastest set.
Notes: All work should be at 90-95% RPE.
I chose to run. 1:27, 1:26, 1:26, 1:27, 1:26  Very happy with this and the consistency even though I felt like I would die.
 My view after sprints. Flat on my back. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


BB Gymnastics
1) 5X2 3 Position Snatch (low to high) – heavier than last week, rest 60 seconds, DEMO VIDEO
75, 95, 105, 115, 120, 125 (2 reps/sets of this really sucks) My hands are torn to shreds.
2) 5X2 3 Position Clean + 1 Push Jerk (low to high) – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.
skipped. hands= destroyed
3a) 3X3 5-Step Duck Walk – medium/heavy, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
Notes: One rep of Duck Walks would include 5 steps forward and 5 steps back. After each set the athlete should stand, drop the weight, and Snatch it again before beginning the next rep. Use a weight that is manageable, especially if this is your first time performing a weighted Duck Walk. Spencer DOES NOT walk back in the demo video (@100kg)—it is a no-rep.
55, 75, 85, 85, 95
3b) 3X5 Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
125, 135, 145(3), 140
Back Squat: 3X10 – absolutely heaviest possible each set, rest as needed.
200, 210, 215(5) but re-racked and finished with another set of 5.
Complete 2 cycles of…
4 round Tabata of:
Row for Calories OR Airdyne for Calories (Airdyne is the preference)
*Rest 1 minute.
4 round Tabata of:
*Rest 1 minute.
Notes: A Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Complete 4 Tabata rounds of the first movement (Row/Airdyne), then 4 Tabata rounds of Burpees. Repeat this cycle twice.
878 meters, 61 burpees, 858 meters, 59 burpees.
Accumulate 4 minutes of L-Sit Holds. 
lol :)


BB Gymnastics
1) Snatch: 3X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 85%, 2X1 @ 90%, 5X1 @ 80% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 80%
135, 145, 155(all misses), 135
So frustrated with this lift right now.
2) Clean & Jerk: 3X1 @ 80%, 2X1 @ 85%, 2X1 @ 90%, 5X1 @ 80% – rest 60-90 sec. between each rep through sets of 90%, then 30 sec. between each rep at 80%
175, 185, 195(did not even attempt this because was struggling with 185 for some reason), 175
“Elisabeth” (Games version)
21-15-9 of:
Power Cleans 135/95#
Ring Dips
For time.
I realized on the set of 21 Power Cleans that I had busted a blood vessel in my right thumb and it was excruciatingly painful. I finished the workout but I didn't do as great as I know I'm capable of. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The week after the Outlaw Open

I title it this because my body took a devastating hit from that competition. It's really ridiculous and as I sit here on the Saturday after, I am still not right in some ways. 

Monday/Tuesday - REST
Wednesday - 12/5/12
Attempted to do:

1) Back Squat: 1X8 @ 70%, 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 85%, 3X2 @ 90% – rest as needed.
My back locked up on me.
2) Front Squat: 7X2 @ 70% – rest exactly 40 seconds (based on 121201).
185. Probably shouldn't have done this but oh well. 
Conditioning 12/4/12
5 rounds with 1 min rest between rounds
50 DU
10 Push Press (185/120)
12:12 Got very tough, very fast. I'm sure it wasn't due to me being sore as surely not.
3 x 800m run. OUCH

Thursday - 12/6/12
Took this as an active rest day as I was doing some business in Birmingham.  
Establish 1 RM OH Squat
Didn't have too long and wasn't trying to build to a max with the way my body feels. I went up to only 185 and moved on. 
For time
OH Squat (95/65)
Push Press

Friday - 12/7/12
Attempted to do
BB Gymnastics
1) 7X1 3 Position Snatch (low to high) – heaviest possible, rest 60 seconds, DEMO VIDEO
Only up to 130 and felt like garbage
2) 7X1 3 Position Clean + 1 Push Jerk (low to high) – heaviest possible, rest 60 seconds
Only up to 165 and same as above. I still have no midline stabilization. My back caves in the catch. 

5 rounds
250m row
20 WB
15 T2B
5 Burpee MU
Everthing UB but I was moving at a snail's pace. WOW. 

Saturday - 12/8/12
BB Gymnastics
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
Up to 150. Working on solid form.
15 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.
Up to 200. Midline still shaky.
Front Squats (based off 121201):
1) Every 45 seconds for 3:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 80% 200
-rest 1 minute
2) Every 45 seconds for 3:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 85% 210
-rest 1 minute
3) Every 45 seconds for 3:00 (5 reps) – 1 rep @ 90% 220 Missed one rep and finished outside the time cap. Not feeling great or strong.  Ugh that stupid competition.

4 rounds for total working time of:
90m Shuttle Run (15m down, 15m back X 3)
15 C2B Pull-ups
60m Shuttle Run (15m down, 15m back X 2)
15 Push Press @ 115/75#
30m Shuttle Run (15m down, 15m back X 1)
Rest 1:1