Saturday, December 22, 2012


SNATCH off blocks (hip)
Up to 130. I found out I was doing them wrong. 

CLEAN off blocks (above knee)
Clean x 2 + 1 Jerk (5 sets)
Up to 170. Trying to stay on my heels longer and not jump forward. 

2x10 ub each leg
85. Did 3 sets. oops

10 Box Jump (40/30)
3 Squat Snatch (185/120)
7 Ring Push up
So this was my third time in 6 days to do 30" box jumps.  Might not should have done them.  Anyways I was beating everyone.  I love being home and training with EZ Muhammad and some of the other guys here.  I was about to lap EZ when I freaking speared my left leg by missing the box slightly.  At this point, I had already done 8 rounds going on round 9, and that's a good 80 box jumps at 30".  We had about 4 mins left.  So I shook it off and said, "ok you are fine, keep going." 4 box jumps later and I miss both feet and rake both legs up the box. HOLY CRAP.  Worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life.  I literally was hyperventilating. The guys stopped and came over to help me.  I think they said we made it to about 17 mins, but I could not catch my breath because of the pain.  They helped get me some napkins and hydrogen peroxide because that is all we had and tons of paper towels to try to stop the bleeding.  I am still happy that I beat everyone even though I took the worst to my shins.  It amazes me that in 4 years of CF I have never done that. I guess it was my time, but I advise everyone to be careful. Some of the falls in gymnastics were bad but I don't remember any kind of pain like I felt at that moment and still feel and will feel for weeks.

I went to have them checked out just in case since I am home for Christmas and my dad is a physician. No stitches and they gave me a shot for pain. ugh. This is so bad. The two on the left leg are super deep. 

PM - and yes I am crazy and went back to the gym later. lol
EMOM 15 
10 Push Press (135/95)
Completed. Each set took about 10-12 secs.

6 Sets Rest 5 min
15 KB (70/53)
15 Burpee
100m Sprint
1:43, 1:38, 1:36, 1:35, 1:34, 1:30

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