Friday, December 28, 2012


Flight Simulator
12:36 I think this is the fastest I have ever done this but I hit my feet like 4 times so I know way faster is possible.

Build up OHS
Was working my way up with sets of 5 and got to 155 for 5 when it was decided that we would do the below. 

Then 30 OHS for time at 225/155
6:05 (EZ 7:38)  Sets were 6,6,6,4,4,4

15 minute clock:
Work 1:1 with partner
10 Push Press (155/105)
30 sec HS Hold
8 rounds each. Shoulders smoked from all the above work.

Build up to heavy Front Squat
Was feeling good so went for a PR and got 250 pretty easy, which was a 5lb PR. So I put on 5 more pounds at 255 and nailed it. yay! 10lb PR. :)
Video on FB page.
Coming out of the hole. Ugly but I'll take it. Working on the form.

1 Front Squat every 45 seconds at 85% (10 reps)
215. Last set did 2 reps.

10 Minutes to build to heavy Snatch
Got up to 155 and ran out of time. Had more in me though.

12 Minute AMRAP
2 Snatch (205/135)
12 Ring Dips
7 rounds + 2 reps but finished out 9 rounds because that is what EZ almost finished with. Took about to the 14 min mark. Shoulders hurt from all the above today.  Really had to rely on form on the snatch. 

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