Friday, February 15, 2013


1)Power Clean Ladder: Every 45 complete a rep having followed the following reps: Women: 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185 Men: 165, 185, 200, 210, 225, 240, 255, 275. If you fail before reaching the last weight count how many COMPLETED attempts are left till the end AND drop to previous weight completing that many reps at that weight. I want 8 reps no matter when you fail.
completed easily. Used it as a warm up really.

2)Drop Snatch: 3 sets 3 reps AHAP
125, 130, 130

3)3x15 UB Toes to Bar- rest as much as needed, if this is easy do them strict
completed. 20-30s rest each set.

4)100 Ab-Mat Situps for time

1)3 Position Snatch: Floor, Top of Knee, Hip: 7 sets all performed between 80%-90% (go up as you can)
125x2, 130x3, 135, 135F, 125. Felt off tonight.

2)Snatch High Pulls: 3 sets of 3 @ 100%

3)90 sec max effort alternating pistols, rest 30 sec, 60 sec ME KB Thrusters (53/35), rest 30 sec, 90 sec Max Distance Burpee Broad Jumps, rest 30 sec, 120 sec Max Cal Row or airdyne if you have one, rest 30 sec 90 sec max effort alternating pistols
63 pistols
23 kb thruster
90ft burpee broad jump
26 calories
58 pistols

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