Sunday, February 3, 2013


Happy February! My birthday month :) also the month of LOVE!

Cleanx3 + 1 Jerk: 4 sets as close to 85% of clean as possible
185. Oops 88%. Legs feel like bricks. No drive out of the hole after the first rep of the set.

Clean Stance Deadlift: 5 sets of 5 AHAP

AMRAP In 12 minutes: 5 power cleans (165, 115), 10 Bar Facing Burpees, 200m run
5 rounds + 15 reps. Other than my legs burning on the burpees, I felt great.

Two Handed KB Snatch: 3 sets of 12 unbroken as heavy as possible
35, 35, 53 for a set of 4 then 3

OHS 4 sets 5 reps at 90-100% of snatch
Stayed at 155 -90%

Behind the neck jerk grip push press + jerk grip OHS with 6 sec pause at bottom: 3 sets 5+1
145, 155, 160

Here is 160:

Pistols (weighted if possible) 3 sets of 12 each leg
35, 53, 53lb KB

Row: 15 min row: start at 18 s/m work to 32s/m then back to 18s/m shifting 2 s/m every 1 minute
3338 meters

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