1) Snatch: 60% x3 reps, 65% x 3 reps, 70%x3 reps, 75%x3 reps THEN DO CONDITIONING IMMEDIATELY AFTER
105, 115, 125, 135
2)Snatch: EMOM for 5 minutes 2 snatches @80% THEN AMRAP Snatch in 2 min @ 80%; rest 5 min repeat the EMOM And AMRAP again: score is total combined MADE reps, if you miss a rep in the EMOM you cannot make the rep up. It's 5 minutes of 2 snatch attempts
140#. 18 reps each time. No misses during EMOM. 1 miss during the 2 mins each set.
3) Bench Press: 7x3: Take 3 seconds to get down, touch chest explode up to top; 75% of 1RM Wt.
1) Power Clean + Split Jerk: 1 + 2: 5 sets @ 75% of CJ
2) 4 Front Squat/ 8 Back Squats @ 75% of FS x 5 sets
190. Kill me
3) Ring Dips: 4 sets ME reps, rest 90 sec between attempts
30, 21, 15, 14
4) Jackie
5) GHD Back Ext: 3x10: Start at parallel go to bottom MAINTAINING back ext and return FAST to Parallel
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